Sunday, December 30, 2007

Lazy Sunday & the L.L.L.B.

We received another half inch of snow last night. It seemed kind of a waste to pull out the snow blower except that I have so much ground to cover. I again did the side walk all the way up the block as well as part of the alley.

It's a cold crisp Sunday and everything is beautiful and wintery out. We are enjoying a lazy day around the house. Susan still wants to leave the Christmas decorations up for another week. I'm okay with that because it lends to my lazy Sunday. After the first of the year however, the Christmas lights need to be extinguished, lest the magic be dragged on into the new year and thereby diminished.

On Friday night I was going to pull out my cross country skis and tour the park. At about 6:30, I went out to my car to get my gloves and startled a Low Life Loser Bastidge trying to steal Susan's car. I heard something going on when I opened the door to go out and by the time I got to the driveway, the Low Life Loser Bastidge was high tailing it out of the area. I only saw his back so the only description I have is that he had a shaved head, wore an olive green colored coat, (it might have been something like an Army Jacket) and he could run really fast. I tried chasing him but in my cross country boots, I made it to the end of the driveway before I fell on my ass and the L.L.L.B. was already across the street and heading around the corner. Did I mention that he could run fast?

He had somehow unlocked the driver side door and was trying to pry the club off the steering wheel. There was no damage to the door so he got in with a master key or a slim jim or some such similar device.

I am a believer in Karma and so I know that this is going to come back and haunt this Effer. But I can't figure out what I have done in my past to merit Karma coming down on us in this way. Then again, if I sat down and really thought about it, I could come up with reasons.

The Low Life Loser Bastidge did a little damage to the steering wheel, peeling some of the rubber from around the rim. Susan went out and bought another steering wheel at the local wrecking yard yesterday so I am going to go out and try to figure out how to replace it.

In the meantime, this is the first of three days off. I am enjoying the time off immensely. There is football to watch and hot cider to drink and steering wheels to replace. I guess I had better get to it.

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