Friday, December 28, 2007

We GotZ Da Wint'a!

I grew up with a mother who always made it clear that there are certain thing you do not do in order to be thoughtful of your neighbors. It involves the 9:00 rule.

Basically, you do not do ANYTHING outside your house before 9:00 A.M. You do not show up at your best friends door on Saturday morning before 9:00 A.M. You do not call ANYONE on the phone before 9:00 A.M. You do not mow your lawn before 9:00 A.M..

And so, I felt guilt at 6:00 A.M. this morning when I fired up the snow blower to remove the night's droppings.

Ah, there she is. The Craftsman 26 inch Snow Devil Model 2400. Built just before the turn of the century, this machine offers the latest in 1999 snow removal technology. It comes to life with the push of a button with its electric starter. It has six forward speeds and two in reverse. The articulating swivel shoot allows for precise target delivery and placement of removed snow. I've added high performance spark plugs and a super high reflective 10,000 candle Halogen headlight to augment the quiet chaos the 5.0 H.P. Tecumseh engine can exact on the driveway.

I went all the way down the side walk on both sides of my corner. My next project is to figure out how to remove the snow while wearing my cross-country skis. I love this weather!

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