Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Health Drinks

Susan is still working on the french door walls in the kitchen. I advised her to take a night of last night because her work would have interferred with my television enjoyment. There is nothing good on the telly tonight so I am allowing her to work.

I returned to work today and for the most part had an uneventful work experience. I had a little panic in the morning as I realized my heart was kind of racing and making me a little dizzy. I was a little taken aback by this because I have not had any such experience at all similar to this during my brief recovery period. I then remembered that I have not had a quad mocha espresso during my brief recovery period, a circumstance that had indeed occurred this very morning. Was it a coincidence, or could a four shot espresso coffee drink possibly make me a little jittery?

I choose to leave such speculation up to Health Care Professionals while I focus on ways of getting out of work...if I survive.


Anonymous said...

Stan, you are a dumb-ass! If there is one thing your fragile heart does NOT need, it is a quad shot mocha. I may not be all that bright, yea verily thoust may even be considered dim in some cases, but be this not one of those, thine has spoken! Good Day

My Life as a House said...

Thank you Dr. Asshole