Monday, June 07, 2010

The End of Varnishing

We are now done varnishing. Susan has made that official declaration. I am all too happy to follow her edict.

The section of railing that Susan varnished yesterday dried sufficiently over the night to allow us to believe that varnishing the rest of the railing would solve the whole slow drying problem.

Usually when we have a screw up of some type with some project, the story begins with, "Stan took a paintbrush..."! Paintbrush could be replaced with hammer, power saw, sledge hammer, back hoe, or dynamite.

Today's story of a screw up begins with, "Susan took a paintbrush."

Yesterday, while varnishing, Susan attempted to do a little repair on the wood floor at the top of the stairs. It wasn't that bad, but the area needed a bit of a touch up with varnish or possibly stain. Susan decided to try both. The result was a streaky unattractive mess. Susan was quite despondent and upset with herself. I was quietly very happy that it wasn't me.

Tonight she went after her remedy. She used some very fine grit sandpaper and applied a small amount of Liquid Gold and lightly sanded the area. This technique worked. The floor has returned to its original luster.

I was quietly upset that I had lost leverage for the next screw up I cause.

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