Saturday, June 05, 2010

The Unvarnished Truth (about our rail)

Saturday is my day to work at the bar and Susan usually gets to have a relaxing day to herself without the burden of me. Today however, she had an all day sort of affair with the catering company she works for. I think she had to be at work at 10:30 this morning. Here it is eleven o'clock in the P.M. of the evening and she is not home yet.

That means that I had better do something productive here at the house tonight or I will be the main ingredient in the shit sandwich of life that is clearly coming my way.

Fortunately, I am able to read the writing on the excrement and headed directly to the staircase to lay down another coat of varnish. It went much faster this time. With the first coat going down, it soaked into the wood rally fast and required quite a bit of varnish. The second coat went down with nary a soaking issue in sight.

The problem we are having is getting the hand rail to dry from the stain. The main rail is still very tacky. I put a heater and a fan into the area and that does not seem to be doing much to dry the stain. I've been thinking that the high humidity we have been experiencing in the form of deluges of rain has been hindering the drying process.

So far, it's still just a wait and wait and wait kind of process.

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