Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Suck of Social Networking

There is soooooo much life going on, who has time to Blog?! I have avoided all Social Networking platforms like the plague but find myself slowly getting sucked in to it. I now have a presence on Facebook but there's not much there. I think I'll add a link about this Blog and that will be my conduit into the world of Soshing.

In the meantime, I have a few projects to do today and I shall bring this post along for the ride.

12 Noon: It is twelve noon and we have just arrived home from church. Susan has some wall papering to do. She is hoping to finish the hall project today. I am waaaaay behind in what I'm doing in the hall. Partly because I'm a slacker and partly because new little things pop up. The latest thing to pop is a small seam around the doors where I am replacing trim.

I have paint to remove that I just didn't think about. So I am going to stop typing and get downstairs and get to work. Pictures to follow.

1:00PM Update: This is the one o'clock update. Unfortunately it is 1:19 and that's about how I expect this to go.

Here are some pictures.

The most exciting news to report is the discovery of a major find. After cleaning all the coats out of the hall closet, I stumbled across a winter parka I forgot I had. In it, I found my alternate car keys that I lost about two years ago. I knew I had left them in a winter jacket of some type. At least, I had that inkling of a thought.
 As soon as I saw the coat, I started rummaging through the pockets and felt the keys almost immediately. I'm such a dumbass! But now I'm a happy dumbass.

The important thing is that my remote door lock has pretty much had it. It had gone through the ringer and then some. The one on my alternate keychain is as pristine as the day the car was purchased.
3:00PM Report: This is the 3:26 report. Here am some mo' pichurs.

These pictures are of Susan working, who never gets enough credit here in the ol'Blog for here tasks. The last picture shows the last wall to be papered in this project. It doesn't feel like it, but that's a landmark. Well, it's not a landmark yet because she hasn't finished it. It's no major blow if she doesn't finish. Other than to her ego.

My closet door project is coming along. I'm putting down a final stain tomorrow after the wood putty has had a good chance to dry.

In the meantime, I am scraping the kitchen door frame. We're getting close to calling it a day. We have a nice roast to put on the barbeque rotisserie tonight. I am looking forward to that.

5:00 PM Edition: This is Stan checking in for the 5:00 Edition at 11:18PM. What can I tell you. I got involved in stuff.

I'm not even going to get caught up. I'm just going to hit publish and continue with life. Cuz there's a lot of it going on...almost everywhere you look.

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