Sunday, April 01, 2012

April Fools Post

It's Sunday and we have just returned from a busy morning at church. Susan is co-Chair of the Committee to Feed People on Sundays Committee and we had to feed some people today.

It's a very complicated algorithm but on months with five Sundays in them, we have a potluck after the service on the fifth Sunday. Today is the first Sunday and April Fools to boot so we moved it to today.

So that took up most of our morning. Now we are home and have a few hours to do as we please.

Not so for Susan though, as she has to work at the Arena tonight for a continuing Hockey Playoff Game. This is the time of year where she roots from them to lose.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do. It rainy out so there's not a lot of planned outdoor activity. It was so nice last Sunday and then followed by a week of rain. I think we had one of the wettest March's on record.

I'll report back in a little bit and update any exciting or even less than exciting progress I have made on anything.

4:48PM: It is a windy day but it has turned into a sunny day. It's still pretty cold with the wind.

I was out in the yard and came across a positive sign of Spring. Hops!

Both vines are starting to produce shoots. I'm going to have to cut back to three shoots a column. Otherwise they are really thick and they grow slower.

9:24PM: I been doing some odd jobs around the house but for the most part, it has been a lazy day.

I took a nice twilight picture of the house that I like.
I also got this shot with the house and the moon. I love the house and the moon shots. I have lots of them.
I guess that's it for today. Someday soon, I'll talk about the house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I envision a double exposure moon shot. The camera captures yourself slung over a gable mooning heaven and earth as radiant Phoebe casts a silver glow over her ambitious simulacrum. You've heard of the house of seven gables? Why not then the house of two moons? And if your friends are not afraid of heights, why stop there? Yours could be "the house of many moons."