Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stencil Town

Susan started stenciling today. She is now one quarter closer to being done with the medallion around the light.
I worked on trim and the mantle. I think it is starting to come together and there appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel. However, it could be another train. I still have a bunch of staining to do. It seems to grow.

The other project I have to get going on is the boiler/heat system for the house. I managed to plug the pipes in the living room for the radiator I removed. I've been dawdling on getting that thing out of the house and to the sandblaster/powder coat painter. It's not going to be installed this season. Hence, I plugged the pipes.

I have another radiator in the TV Room that needs to be re-installed. Part of that reinstallation requires sweating the pipe. For the uninitiated, that means soldering the pipes together to create the seal.

I'm not very good at it. My first attempt last week resulted in a leaky pipe. It took about a half hour of filling the system before I saw the leak. So I stopped filling, drained a little and tried to re-solder. That didn't work either so I drained the system and moved on to other porjects...stuff I could handle, like sweeping.

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