Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sweating the Solder and just sweating

I had to clean the fish aquarium tonight. It's a job that I hate doing so much that by the time I get to it, it really needs to be done. I'll need to do it again soon if I want to try and stay ahead of it.

Susan had to work tonight so I decided to try my hand at getting that Radiator in the TV Room installed.

I thought I could patch the small holes in the fitting with additional solder. I attempted three different times, each time trying to fill the system with water to see if I succeeded. Each time having to drain the system to keep it from leaking all over the floor.

I finally loosened the nut connection on the one side and heated up the copper pipe and turned the fitting off the treads on the other side. I'm going to buy a clean new fitting and try again this weekend.

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