Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas in Des Moines, Christmas Day

It is noonish as I write this and there is still a lot of the day to come. In fact, there's most of the day to come. We haven't started opening presents yet. Frankly, I don't know what the schedule is. I'm just happy to be in one place with my lovely wife and not have to do anything.

I'll update and have pictures as poop occurs.

3:24PM: Okay, we had our Christmas meal about one o'clock. Spiral cut ham, twice baked potatoes, green bean casserole, and assorted appetizers.

Afterwards, we began opening the myriad of presents that Santy Claus brought. I got a sawzall and a new lawn tractor sprinkler. Susan got a Bluetooth ear piece for her phone and a memory foam pillow. In a bit we are going for a walk.

8:43:54PM CST: I missed the walk and opted to recline in the Lazyboy in front of a John Wayne movie on AMC. 

We had some nice ham sandwiches for dinner and then sat down to another rousing game of Baseball. Susan started out doing great and was really kicking ass when she had a couple of bad hands and finished last. I finished second while maintaining a strong position and third and fourth place.

Merry Christmas to all!

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