Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas in Des Moines, the Saga Concludes

This is the final post in a series of posts regaling all the details of our just concluded trip to Iowa for Christmas.

I suggest you stop reading here and start with the first post back on December 20th. So...stop reading! Hey!!! Are you one of those people who always goes to the end of the mystery novel to find out whodunit? You're going to ruin the ending! Oh well..fine, do it your way.

After spending a great night in Bozeman, we hit the road a bit after 8 and made it to Spokane without incident. Susan drove the first three hours to Missoula and I finished up the last three hours. We made the trip in five hour and forty-five minutes.

It is great to be home. The cats seems happy to see us and we are happy to see everything...especially the house...and to see that it is still standing. 

We owe a great THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to our neighbor Tammy for looking after the cats and the house.

I am shockingly surprised by the lack of pictures I took on this trip. I think that is generally due to the crap condition of my camera. It is a very cheapo Canon and shortly after getting it last year, it slipped out of my hand or pocket or somewhere and hit the ground, knocking out the view screen. So I've never been able to look at my pictures. I take them and then check them out on the computer. It's like how it used to be with film.

I think we're seeing a movie tonight with some friends and then an early evening. At least, that's what I'm hoping for.

See you next year!

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