Saturday, May 27, 2017

Memorial Day One

It is just after 8 AM on the first day of the Memorial Day Weekend. It looks like it is going to be a nice weekend as far as the weather is concerned. There is a lot to do today, but first things first. Coffee!
Okay, the coffee is brewing. I can almost start my day. 

Before the day begins, I need to talk about the furnace. I finally shut it down the other day. I think I turned it off last Monday or Tuesday. All I did was flip the switch on the thermostat so the pilot light is still burning. I'll get down there today to shut that down as well. 

With the furnace off, we should see a substantial drop in our monthly bill from Washington Water Power. Then we can start getting on track to get our bill down to zero.

We are on the comfort plan where we pay the same amount every month...about $300.00. During the winter, the monthly payment does not cover our monthly bill, so it builds up. I'm not exactly sure where we are right now, but by September, we should be pretty close to even.

Coffee's ready!
One of the projects I have for today, or more accurately, for the weekend, is to continue the clean out and organization of the garage. It would be nice if I could get some clean up and organization in the Carriage House as well. We'll see!

Once I get myself up and dressed, I'm going to haul a bunch of tires to the tire store and hopefully get a little cash for the many gently used tires that are in the garage.

Okay, a giant step forward in Garage cleaning. The tires are gone. I didn't get any money for them but I didn't have to pay the guy anything either.
So, here's how the space inside looks right now. It's quite the conflagration.

I am going to try and organize what's is left in there and hopefully, find some stuff to toss. Let's see how I do.
Okay, it was not a great job of reorganizing and an even worse job of tossing. I can also tell you that the above picture does not do justice to the amount of room I have created in the garage. One can now walk around the space with no difficulty and almost completely park a mid sized car in there.

In my book, which is the only book that matters, that is progress.

Next, Susan wanted to get the umbrella and chairs and the like down from the Carriage House and make them useful. She also wanted her teak planter bench out. Upon seeing it in the light of day, she decided it need some maintenance.
So I broke out the random orbit oscillating sander and went to work on removing the old lacquer that was peeling and clinging to the wood. It was not a thorough job of sanding. Remember, we are using my book.

We then applied a coat of Teak Oil to the visible areas and ended up with this sort of affair.
I think I'm going to apply another coat tomorrow, but it remains to be seen as my book may have other things in mind.

It is now much later in the day and the sun has gone down and the evening has grown dark.

We invited Mark over because I wanted to borrow his weed wacker and we went over to Geraldo's to get some Mexican food to go and then proceeded to the Hub where we ate said Mexican food.

That pretty much ended our day.

Time for bed!

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