Sunday, May 14, 2017

Three Event Day

Three very important events took place here today.

The first was waking up on this side of the dirt. That is an important event every day and one I plan to keep pursuing for the foreseeable future.

The second was the hanging of pictures in the bathroom. This was an important event because the hanging of pictures required the puncturing of wallpaper with hooks upon which to hang said pictures. 
It all went well and the trauma of the defaced wall paper has been dealt with. The pictures are enjoying their first full day of display.
The third big event was the painting of the door trim in the bathroom. This event's significance lies in the fact that it is the last item to be completed in order to officially declare the bathroom finished.

There is just a little touch up left and then the declaration of bathroom completion shall be signed and ratified. But since we have no rats, it shall be catified.

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