Friday, September 29, 2017

Boiler Disappointment

It has been six days since I lit the pilot light on the boiler, officially ending the Boiler Game. Since then, I do not believe the boiler has come on once.

The weather has been warm and beautiful since Saturday and I am pissed. There is no telling how much longer I could have gone with the Boiler Game, allowing more people to get in and take a chance, thereby making a whole lot more money for me.

I'm just sick about it.

I'm still trying to decide whether to rent to log splitter this weekend or not. There is a lot going on Saturday and so it doesn't feel like I can fit it in then. Sunday is difficult because I can't get to it before noon.

Next weekend is already booked so there won't be any log splitting then. 

I guess we'll find out together on Sunday.

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