Friday, September 27, 2019

Frosty Mornings

It was 37 degrees when I left the house this morning. Today was the first day I wore a jacket, more of an insulated work shirt. And it was big time driving into the sun this morning until we hit the Sullivan Road over pass. I drove into a thick shroud of fog that blocked out the sun. Yet, if I looked straight up, I could see a hint of blue sky.

I think I'm losing my car heater. It was blowing warm on Wednesday, hot yesterday and today not so much. I am not prepared for a repair bill so this isn't good.

On top of all of this, the forecast calls for the chance of snow this weekend. If it does snow, it will be the earliest instance of snow fall in Spokane recorded history.

I'm hoping I can make it through the weekend without turning on the boiler. I will run the space heaters and even light a fire in the fireplace.

Another sure sign that autumn has arrived is the annual Greek Festival at the Greek Orthodox Church. It's going on this weekend and we are going tonight. I'm looking forward to Orzo and Lemon Beans.

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