Sunday, September 01, 2019

VaCay Day 9iner

We are back from church and ready to rock. It is noon straight up and we have an agenda for the day. 

The day will conclude with a visit to Riverfront Park so we can take part in the annual Pig Out in the Park. We will listen to Sammy Eubanks at 8PM and return to the homestead after.

But first, it's back to the windows.

Later: We made pretty good progress. There is a therapeutic aspect to this work that is quite relaxing.

Here are some pictures of the rest of the day.

I was working on the window frame, trying to get all that gunky paint off the frame and trim.
Susan was working on the window.

Here is the problems she is dealing with. The little nooks and crannys on the trim are very time consuming. We are just going to keep working on it, little by little, until we are satisfied.

We went down to Pig Out about 6:00. We ate some good food and some not so good food. The Mac n'Cheese booth was disappointing. Kind of bland. It took no time for us to spend $25.00 a piece on food and beer.

Sammy was playing at the Clocktower Stage and he was great. Sammy is always a good show.

We left about ten and returned to the front porch for a malty beverage night cap.

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