Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Equinox of Vernalosity

With all the excitement and worry over the Covid 19 Virus and how it has shut down life in America as we know it, Spring snuck in without any fanfare.

Winter is like Lent. When it's over, you really have something to celebrate. Today we are having a really great Spring day. I was out driving around earlier and saw a bank sign that flashed 64 degrees. 

Susan and I have just returned from a bike ride. My stamina still sucks. We did three laps around the park, taking the one mile route and my bike speedometer said 3.34 miles. Perhaps the park got stretched out over the winter. That's close enough to accurate for me.

I'm going to go out on the porch when I finish this and enjoy a glass of wine. I would like to enjoy a glass of beer, but that's still a couple of weeks away. In the meantime, I've lost 12 pounds.

We are talking about getting back on the job of finishing up the TV Room. We haven't worked on it since last Fall. We even moved the couch back in there to accommodate the Christmas tree in the living room. 

Now that we are home more, we might as well get that going.

Now, it's time for some wine followed by some grilled asparagus.

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