Sunday, March 29, 2020

Living Through an Historic Event

We are about 5 days in to an order from the Governor to stay at home. More and more states are making the same declaration. The Congress has passed and the President has signed a $6 trillion stimulus package. I think that may be the most damaging thing to us once this pandemic is over.

Susan and I are still working and we have savings we can use to keep going if this goes on for months. Plus, we have a freezer full of food. Most of it, we can't eat because of a diet we are on for Lent. Once Easter arrives, watch out!

So we are not feeling the pressure that many other people must be feeling. This looks like it could be May or June before things return to normal. The problem with that is nobody knows what normal is going to look like.

Toilet paper has become a major commodity. If you have some, you have some bargaining power. We just figured out a way to extend our toilet paper supply. We purchased an attachment for the toilet that turns it into a bidet. It was astonishingly less expensive than I have seen in the past. So we got two. Does that count as hoarding?

It did occur to us that even with the bidet, we are going to use toilet paper. How else to you dry your ass? A Hair Dryer perhaps.

We are going to try and be productive today. There's no reason to be stuck here and not accomplish anything.

I'm also going to take some squirrel pictures today. Stand by for that.

Later: It's been a few hours now and we have done well with the day.

First, here are the squirrel pictures:

We moved the couch out of the TV Room in order to make room for "The Return to Remodeling".

I discovered a mouse trap under the couch that I had forgotten about. However, the trap had not forgotten how to work. We got one. It did not appear he had been there long.

Susan continued stripping the front window and I set about to measuring the room to see how much wood I need. I need to buy trim for the three doors, trim for the two windows and baseboard for the one floor. I'll need a corresponding amount of base shoe for the floor as well.

We are all set to go out for a walk but suddenly the skies opened up. We're waiting, rethinking. In this peculiar time, you have to be fast on your feet.

Even Later: Nope! No walk. It was coming down pretty good and now the sun is coming out. I will not be baited. It will turn to rain as soon as we get out there.

Better to enjoy a glass of wine on the porch.

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