Saturday, November 21, 2020

No Mo Furniture

We don't need any more furniture. And yet...

We keep getting it.

Mom bought a new bed that wasn't quite so high off the ground. And so we replaced the old California King with this new to us King size bed with a head board and foot board. It's quite high and almost requires a ladder to get up on it. But the view is spectacular.

It looks like it's really filling the whole room.

But so did the old one. I guess the head boards make it look bigger.

Susan finally got around to varnishing her project in the TV Room. She was delayed getting to the project for a good portion of the day. First, we realized that we threw away the old shammy block we used to varnish the floor with. So I went out to get another. $7.00! Then, she couldn't get the lid off the can of varnish. 

I took it out to the Carriage House and used my jumbo screw driver on it. Once the lid was off, I had to remove a layer of skin that had formed on the top.

However, the first coat is down and a second will be applied tomorrow.

It was a beautiful Autumn day and we pretty much wasted it inside.

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