Monday, November 01, 2021

Halloween Recap

We don't have any accurate numbers on how many Trick or Treaters were out last night but the general consensus is that we had about 1,400 ghouls and goblins come to the door. We shut everything down about 8:30. All the candy is gone...except for the few pieces I stashed away for myself.

After standing in the yard in my Grimm Reaper outfit and listening to the comments of the people coming by, I was reminded why we do this. First of all, it's fun. The set up and the tear down are a lot of work but hearing how appreciative some of the parents are, and the great comments we hear about the tombstone's and the pumpkins make it all worth it.

I have my work cut out for me today. My goal is to get the yard all cleaned up. I'm waiting for the sun to get warmer.

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