Monday, January 20, 2014

Another Interesting Day? You be the Judge!

Susan is downstairs entertaining her girlfriends as they gather for one of their birthdays. That gives me the opportunity to come upstairs and get in a post before the day gets away from me and I forget. That would be horrible now that I have the stretch up to 20 days.

Unfortunately, it is one of those days when I really don't have anything interesting to say. 

I could talk about getting my first storm window frame primed...but that's not very interesting. 

I could wax philosophic about the Seattle Seahawks and how their passing game is quite inadequate against the bustling defense of the Broncos...but I have no idea what I'm talking about.

I guess it would be best to discuss the fact that the two teams in the Super Bowl this year are from the largest cities in the two states that recently approved Marijuana for recreational use. But I'm not enough of a Stoner to care.

I guess it would be best if I don't write anything. And so I won't!

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