Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Forty-Eight Degrees

The side streets are icy, the main streets are bare and wet with occasional iciness. I have lost six inches of snow depth since yesterday. See the header for todays' expected high.

The latest addition to my roll call of little maintenance details to keep an eye on is the basement door area. The stairs go down from the back of the house and the cement entry at the bottom has no drain. Therefore, there is quite a bit of standing water that develops there. It is not seeping into the basement yet. I used the shop vac to suck up about three gallons of water last night and then again this morning. Looking at it, you wouldn't think there was that much water there. But it's about a three foot by three foot pad and the water was about an inch deep before I started vacuuming. You do the math.

I drilled a line of little holes through the cement a couple years ago in hopes that would work as a drain of some sort. However, they are pretty small holes and I suspect they are plugged. I'll break out the drill tonight and try to open them up. In the meantime, I will continue to suck.

I cannot tell yet whether the work Scott and I did last night on the roof is helping or night. There is currently sooooooooo much water streaming off the roof and onto the deck that it is difficult to see what is leaking and what isn't. I need to drill a few holes into the deck to allow for drainage. It's a sloppy mess out there.

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