Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

As the sun comes up on a New Year, the snow continues to fall just like last year. It was noted yesterday that December 2008 is now the snowiest month on record. That means we have close to 60 inches out there. I'm going to be out snow blowing later but I'm waiting for it to stop snowing. I may have to settle for waiting until six inches have fallen.

We had a very low key New Years Eve. Along with our buddy Mark, we started a new tradition of having black-eyed peas on New Years. It's supposed to bring good luck. We then went and saw a movie. "Se7en Pounds" with Will Smith. A good story but a bit of a downer story for starting a new year. We wanted something lighter but the schedules were not convenient.

We got out of the movie at 11:35 and made it home in time to open a frosty bottle of champagne and go out on the front porch and listen to all the illegal fireworks going well as some legal ones downtown at the park.

I need to get up on the roof at some point today and do some ice damn maintenance as well as remove a bunch of snow from the deck.

We will also start the tedious and somewhat sad task of removing the Christmas finery from around the house. However, in the Burke Family Bylaws, as revised in 1986 under a new administration, Section 25, Paragraph 3 clearly states that Christmas Decoration can remain up three days past January First. Beyond that, it is a violation and serious repercussions will ensue.

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