Monday, January 05, 2009

Warming Trend?

There was about five inches of warming trend on the driveway this morning. I fired up the snow blower at just after 6AM and went to town on the neighborhood. It was still coming down when I finished and is expected to turn to rain later in the day.

That does not bode well for our roof. I have a lot of ice clearing to do over the next few days. The quicker I complete it the less chance of more kitchen leakage. The leaks around the french door appeared to slow down over the night but I'm sure they are going to continue as long as I have snow and ice up there.

It turns out there was nothing wrong with the headlight on the snow blower. I replaced the lamp assembly and plugged in the loose wire I found and it was as if magic had occurred. So now I have spent $35.00 plus shipping on a headlight that I will more than likely loose before I need it.

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