Thursday, January 21, 2010

Captain DigiMaster

I have decided that it is time for us to come more into the Digital Age. To that end, I have started loading all our CD's onto the computer. It's mostly a boring process of loading a CD and playing a game of Freecell or Solitaire while waiting for it to rip into my new Digital Music Playroom. For now, I am just building the playroom and loading it with toys in the form of music. I have delusions of one day having all the proper devices that will open the door to the playroom and let me play with the toys wherever I go.

It has been uncommonly warm for Spokane in mid January. The last three days have been almost into the 50s and sunny sunny sunny. It's kind of nice. Last year at this time we were knee deep in the biggest snowfall in history. This year we're close to flood conditions due to the warmth. Another sign the Al Gore is right. (Insert Sarcasm Here)

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