Friday, March 26, 2010

Work vs. Enjoyment

For all the entries I make here about the work we do on this house, it occasionally needs to be balanced by how much we enjoy living here. At some point (which will never happen), I need to make an analysis of these entries to figure out the percentage of work entries against enjoyment entries. Clearly it is going to be skewed to work entries because...well, let's face it. That is what this blog is about.

But for tonight, let's put this entry squarely in the category of enjoyment. It is an un-even enjoyment because it was only experienced by me. Susan had to work a hockey game tonight. But that may have been part of the enjoyment for me. Time all to myself to soak in Lake Stan. I do not feel guilty because I know Susan enjoys her Saturday mornings when I have to work at "the bar".

But let's talk about me.

I stopped at "the bar" on my way home to check in with "the gang" and see how I'm doing with my NCAA brackets. I pretty much suck. I picked Syracuse to go all the way and they lost tonight in the Sweet Sixteen. I have two teams remaining so the only real shot I have at recovering any money is with my chance in the "Closest to the Final Score" competition. I think i picked 173 for the total combined score.

I continued on my way home where I performed a few perfunctory "kind of" jobs. I kind of cleaned the fish tank. I kind of cleaned up my debris on the kitchen table. I kind of organized the front entry way. I kind of drank some wine. I kind of got caught up on some important TV shows I taped. I more than kind of drank s'more wine.

Then, it was time for a dip in the hot tub. What a pleasure on a semi warm early Spring night to take my wine and a cigar and loll about in steamy water under the cloudy moonlight. It was wonderful. I think I'll wait up until Susan comes home and invite her out for s'more sultry soaking.

As I was getting out of the tub and drying off, I watched a medium sized skunk scurry under the Carriage House.

Oh joy!

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