Saturday, August 11, 2012

West Wall Construction Day Six

Day is done and so am I!

We made excellent progress on the wall around the front garden today. I am definitely going to meet my goal of completing the west side this weekend. 

With time left over, we may even get a start on the east side tomorrow.

I worked all day prepping the ground and then laying in the gravel and getting it smooth, tamped down and level. Most important of all...level.

I probably spent two hours laying down the first course. I wasted a half an hour by starting in the wrong place. I should have started at the lowest point but I started up against the house... also known as the highest point...also known as the place not to start.

Once the first layer was down and leveled to my satisfaction, everything else was a breeze. 

I stopped about 4:30 or five because I ran out of blocks. I'll be getting more tomorrow. I think I need about 50 to finish but I'm going to get 75. I think the truck can handle the weight and it will be one less trip I have to make later.

In the meantime, I am spent, tired, tuckered out, wasted, and generally of no use to anyone. It is 9:30 and I am going to bed. A nice couple of aspirin chased with a lovely scotch and I am off to dream land.

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