Sunday, January 07, 2018

MantleVille is Closed

It is official now. MantleVille has closed!

That was Susan's big accomplishment of the day. 

I finished stacking wood and did some work on the sloppy sidewalks and driveway.

Here's a shot of how things look today.
This picture makes it look pretty and peaceful. It doesn't really show all the standing water and sloppy streets. Take a look at the next picture for an inkling of that. 

I'm fairly pleased that I made a little headway with the sewer drain on my corner. Since it is on my corner, I am personally responsible for it. It was iced over and needed to be cleared.
I managed to be mostly somewhat successful with that. I'll have to pick at it over the next several days to expand it.

I also did some poor mans plowing by driving my car down the curb line in front of the house to knock down the berm that has built up. I was expecting to possibly get stuck in the deep snow but it is so wet that the car blew right through the snow. 

Hopefully I'll get all cleaned up in time for the next snowfall.

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