Thursday, February 14, 2019

Another Se7en and Fabulous Neighbors

I got up this morning to seven more inches of snow. I shoveled the front walk and steps and a path out to the garage. Then I had to leave for work. 

All day I dreaded coming home because I knew I had a lot of snow to move and a snow blower on the fritz.

To my shock, pleasure and joy, I got home to a snow free driveway and sidewalk. I called my neighbor Lou and thanked him for the blow job.

That was so nice to see. I really have to do something nice for him.

I also learned that he helped Susan get unstuck this morning. Her car is supposed to be all wheel drive but it didn't seem to help her this morning.

As I sit here typing, I see that the snow is starting to fall again. I haven't heard the forecast for how much we are expecting but I know I'm not exactly prepared for another major snow fall.

Thank God for my wonderful neighbors!

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