Saturday, March 23, 2019

Dry Wall Reparations

I was determined to finish up my little dry wall faux pas (Pronounced: fox pass) so I could feel guilt free about going to watch the Zags play at 4:00 today.

I wasted a bunch of time going to Home Depot and Lowe's to get some dry wall scraps because I had the right size here. And more than enough to finish the job.

It took me a loooooooooong time because of my inability to measure properly. I had to lay each piece in in 48 inch lengths...because that's what I had. 

But I would measure, cut, try to fit the piece in place, take it outside and shave off a little bit, shave it again after it didn't fit, shave it again after it didn't fit, shave it get the idea.
But I was finally victorious. I got it in. And now, it's off to the game. Go Zags!

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