Thursday, October 29, 2020

Halloween Prepping

We are closing in on the scariest day of the year and trying to prepare our one little decoration we are putting out.

Frankly, I happy to not be putting out all our regular decorations this year. With the snow still hanging in the yard, it was going to be even more of a job to set everything up.

This year, we have made a new tombstone that we will put at the top of the steps to the front porch.

Along with the tombstone, we'll put up some Police Tape to further enhance the message that we are not handing out candy this year.

The plan for this year is to invite our regular Halloween friends who come over to help out with crowd control and crowd scaring. Susan is making up some chili and we are going to watch "The Nightmare Before Christmas"...a Halloween Classic.

Beyond that, we have done some minor inside decorating for Halloween. And when I say "We", I mean Susan.

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