Saturday, October 31, 2020

All Hallows 2020

Mom got a new iPad and gave me her old one. So this is the first post I am writing using my new iPad.

Here we are on Halloween and we are not running around getting decorations and flying ghosts ready for the big night...thanks to the Pandemic.

Instead, we are preparing for a small gathering of the folks who come and help us every Halloween. Editor's Note: At this point, the iPad started acting up and not properly displaying what I had written. So I'm not very impressed with posting on the iPad and it's back to using the laptop.

Anyway, we're having this little gathering for se7en of us. We're having chili and assorted snacks and watching, "The Nightmare Before Christmas".

We have one Halloween decoration we are putting out this year.

We figure this will send the message that we are not participating in Halloween.

Okay, I lied about only putting out one decoration. We put a bunch of our craft pumpkins out on the deck.

That made it a little more festive in the kitchen.

Once the sun went down, there were people trolling the park. I have since learned that there were only four house open for Trick or Treating and one house told me they had about 300.

Even with our giant hint out there on the front steps, we had one group that rang the doorbell. We did not respond.

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