Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Bottling Day

We are into Day Three of a Heat Wave where the temperatures are topping out at just over 100°. I must say that I prefer too hot to too cold. 

Part of my reasoning is I have access to a pool when I would like to cool down. It’s the high point of my day.

In the meantime, while we wait to start on the floor, I am working on the lights over the island.

I borrowed Shaun’s laser level so I could map out the placement of the lights. My next move is to cut the holes for the boxes. Once I have the holes cut, I’ll have a better idea of what kind of boxes I’m going to use.

Yesterday, I moved this light from the hole you see to where it is now. The reason was I want it to line up with the pendant light over the island.

The light on the other end will line up with the pendant light as well.

However, before I get to work on the lights, we have wine to bottle.

We have 6 gallons of a blend of Grenache, Tannat, and Shiraz which we started last September. It’s a kit wine and it’s long past time for bottling. I like to let the wine age in bulk rather than the bottle, so that’s why it’s taken so long.

My cyphering has concluded that this wine will be 12% alcohol.

We need this to be ready for the Spokane Interstate Fair which is about a month away.

We bottled our Cab/Merlot blend last week and I’m very happy with the taste of that wine.

12:35PM: We have successfully bottled our Grenache/Tannat/Shiraz blend and got 30 bottles. The last bottle is just a tad light so we’ll be drinking that tonight.

Here’s a special video treat of the bottling process.

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