Friday, April 03, 2009

Narcissism and the Blog

As I predicted yesterday, the snow was all gone by the time I got home from work. It continues to try and snow. It's snowing right now. I heard on the radio that we set a record yesterday for snow fall on an April Second. The previous record was 1.2 inches and we got two. Our chest is swelled with pride. Or sunken with cabin fever rage.

I have been trying to evaluate my narcissistic tendencies. I tell myself I am keeping this blog because it is a great vehicle for looking back at what we've done on the house. I have easy access to it. It has been very helpful in referring to when projects were started or finished. I also discovered I like doing it. I like writing. It makes me wish I had paid more attention in Mrs. Jurgenson's class.

But I think I am fooling myself when I say that I don't care if anybody reads it. If I really wanted a record of home remodeling accomplishments, I would keep a journal. (I wrote "diary" there first but that's too gay.) I have kept journals in the past and I'll be damned if I can tell you where they are.

I think that all bloggers want to be read even if they say they don't. Saying you don't care if anyone reads it is a safety valve for when in fact, nobody does read it. Anyway, that's my excuse.

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