Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Solstice

With another Winter Solstice Party behind us, we are now in tall cotton. All the Holiday Stress we have been experiencing has melted away. We have completed all our impending duties and we can coast through this Christmas week with nary a care.

There was a gentle rain often passing into a light mist all day yesterday but the temperature was approaching the 40s. It was very moist out. The Solstice Party was well attended and the food was spectacular as always. We extend many thanks to those who brought food. We had deviled eggs, meat balls, elk balls, cheeses, dips and cookies. There was home made beer and of course, shots of Jagermeister and Peppermint Schnapps from ice shot glasses.

We got most of the clean up accomplished last night and got to bed before one. It's no wonder we continue to have this party every year.

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