Tuesday, December 01, 2009

No Time to Blog

Their is know thyme two right write now. Not even time to correct grammatical or syntactical errors.

We are in Skywalk Painting Mode and it looks like we will remain in that mode for at least another week. That also means that we will be in Grumpy Mode for at least another week. Susan and I aren't taking it out on each other but we're trying very hard to be in good humor.

The task of working all day and then painting into the evening is already taking its toll on us...well, at least me! And it's only Tuesday!

As of today, we have three skywalks completed and se7en to go. The possibility exists that a couple more will be added. I assuage my consternation (Captain Thesaurus) by remembering to keep my eye on the prize...namely; all the remodeling money that will be coming our way.

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