Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Varnish Day Coat Number One

It feels like we're camping!

The house is like a maze and there is no direct access to the upstairs. We have to go to the front door and walk across a plank to the stairs or go up the back staircase, which is already a gauntlet of obstacles.
But, we are getting it done. We got the first coat of varnish down and it looks pretty damn good.The picture below shows it going down and it looks pretty glossy. It dries to a satin so it won't be quite that shiny.

We got the first coat down tonight in less than an hour. The plan is to get up early in the morning and get down a second coat. In this manner, we can get the varnishing done in a timely manner and keep us from having to sand in between coats.

Time to stoke the campfire and roll out the sleeping bags.

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