Monday, October 18, 2010

If You Guessed...

We have just returned from a quicky road trip in honor of our Sexth Wedding Anniversary. We drove to Prosser, WA to taste some wine and bring home some grapes for Home Wine Making. We were successful on both counts. We were a little too successful yesterday with the wine tasting. Upon returning to our room, Susan slept for four hours. It might be more accurate to say she passed out but that sounds so harsh.

Anyway, we bought 12 bottles of wine from a variety of wineries, some Cougar Gold cheese, and 100 pounds of Zinfandel grapes. We are going to try and process them tomorrow but it is going to be a busy week.

When we got home, the house was quite chilly and this meant it was time to end the Furnace Contest. This year, we blew the record out of the water by eight days. Officially, the boiler was lit at 5:00PM on Monday October 18th, 2010! We are now awaiting the warming of the radiators and thereby, the warming of the house. I'm taking everything up to 70 degrees tonight in order to bleed any more air from the radiators and make sure there are no leaks.

Leaks are bad. Almost as bad as no heat!

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