Thursday, October 28, 2010

Forecasting for All Hallow's Eve

It is Thursday and the forecasts are beginning to come into focus for the Sunday Halloween Festivities. It seems it is going to be rainy. Like elections, Halloween turnout could be lighter because of the weather. But you don't get a candy bar after voting so Halloween is really nothing like an election.

Speaking of elections, I will be glad when next Tuesday arrives and we can stop listening to and watching of the unbelievable deluge of campaign lies, half truths, rhetoric and just plain Bullshit that we are subjected to every day. One commercial comes on touting what a loser bitch bastard Dino Rossi is and then it is followed by a commercial detailing what a scheming, scum sucking waste of skin Patty Murray is. I am quickly becoming lost and jaded because there is no room for the advertisers to tell what car to buy or beer to drink. I often think that Politicians believe we the people are stupid and easy to pander to, but when I see the campaign season kick in, I know they believe it.

Back to Halloween! I'm just hoping we can have a somewhat dry evening as five o'clock approaches. I'll keep the updates coming.

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