Friday, October 29, 2010

Soggy Today

It has been raining all night and continues this morning. The forecast is not looking promising for the Halloween Trick or Treating Festival of Frightening Festivities. Some forecasts I have heard have said that it should stop raining around 5PM Sunday, but I think they are just being chicken shit and not brave enough to admit the truth.

Whatever the conditions, we will be out there dispensing the full size candy bars until they run out (Estimated to run out at 6:37 PM) and then the fun size candy bars until they run out (Estimated to run out at 7:58PM)and then the individually wrapped twizzler sticks until they run out (Estimated to run out at 9:02PM) and then we are done.

The rain is going to severely limit some of the motorized and mechanized decorational bedeckalments of horror we normally place in the yard. Rain will not be good for our flying ghost or screaming Zombie.

The other thing to get figured out is our ancillary party going on in the background of friends who come by to help us hand out candy to the throngs of urchins.

In other Neighborhood Halloween news, we ttraditionally have a neighborhood Halloween Party on the Friday before Halloween. It's usually the adults of the neighborhood who are into Halloween and are social. We normally do it at three different houses...appetisers, main course, and dessert.

This year, nobody offered up their houses so we have parred it down to one location, the B&B, and appetisers on Saturday night. We'll see what happens!

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