Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last Chance for Meaning

Well, here is my last chance to get a post in and say something meaningful before the end of the year. It's my opportunity to bring some deep seeded insight into the realm of this discourse of a Bloggery Fashion. Never again will I have this forum to talk about the things that really matter. And instead, I waste it with all this useless gibberish.

I shall dedicate today's Blog of useless gibberish to my friend and former High School classmate, Doug Richardson. Doug died today after a major heart attack. He is se7en days older than me, although you might think se7en years to look at him. He hasn't treated himself very well in the last few years and it finally caught up with him.

So I guess I have se7en days to get my affairs in order. Good thing I don't have many affairs.

Later: This is kind of cheating but the clock has just ticked over to 2012. I am hearing a ton of fireworks going of all around us. So the old year is past and we soldier on to new adventures in Twenty Twelve.

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