Sunday, August 25, 2019

VaCay Day Two

Susan is not happy with the ceiling. There is a hump that is barely noticeable but it is all she can see. 
I say, if you can't see it in this picture, it's not a problem.
Clearly, I lost this battle. Oh well, it would have driven her crazy if she had not made the attempt to assuage her concerns.

Now we have to wait for that to dry so we 're in a holding pattern for an hour or so. I'm going out to survey the Carriage House.

I'm back from my survey. The Carriage House is a conundrum. I have a bunch of furniture out there that we want to get rid of but haven't. I've advertised some of it on Craig's List but got no takers. I guess I need to do it again and lower the price. I just did that. No takers yet but I couldn't even find it so I'm not sure it took.

Until that furniture is gone, there's not much I can do with the space.

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