Friday, August 30, 2019

VaCay Day Se7en

The tree is coming down today. I'm up early and getting things ready for the tree trimmers. 

Avista showed up yesterday and trimmed the branches away from the power line. David at All Seasons Tree Trimmers called and said he had an opening and would be here at 9:00.

Here are some pictures as it looks now.

9:17AM: The first guy for the All Season's Tree Crew has arrived.

And so has the rain! 

It started light but quickly ramped enough to a steady drizzle. I stopped working out in the yard stripping trim. 

Here are some pictures as the trimmers do their work.
Here's the final stump. It's finally to a manageable size.
It sure does open the area up.

There's a little damage from the hoist on the lawn but my lawn is not in that great of shape. It'll grow back.

They beat the crap out of the cement in the back of the house. Now I don't have to hit it repeatedly with a sledge hammer to haul it away.
 Look at the size of this root. 
There is a nice close up. You can also see how the cement got broken up.

That's one of the reasons the cement is going away. The damn tree has lifted and cracked it all over the place.
I left this four foot stump because if we want to completely remove the stump rather than grind it down, the backhoe operator wants something large to chain up to. Apparently, they work it back and forth until they can loosen it enough to cut the big roots and yank it out.
My only other concern that is not a concern is the lawn. The lift they brought in chewed up my grass a little bit but I bet you won't see it in two weeks. You definitely won't see it in five months cuz it will be under snow.

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