Monday, November 03, 2008

Skunk Check

There is the possibility that there was some digging going on last night around the Skunk Hole. It was not at the Skunk Hole but further down the wall from the Skunk Hole. And it was just a little digging. It barely looked big enough for a skunk to crawl through. So I am not exactly sure what I have going on there.

I am going to properly prepare the surface tonight and then take before and after pictures in order to confirm or repudiate my contention that there may or may not be more skunkus verminosis under the Carriage House.....which may need to be renamed, Skunk Club.

On the landscaping/yard work side of things, we cleaned up all our Halloween Decorations and got them properly stowed. Plus, I made a run to the dump with $5.00 worth of leaves. That was a full pick up bed. If I don't get to more leaves before the rain comes, that same load will cost me $20.00.

I love paying to dump water.

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