Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Like on the Park

Today was the first day since the arrival of Spring that it felt kind of Spring-like. I was going to do my mile around the park in preparation for Bloomsday, but I decided to exert myself in a yardwork sort of way.

The lawn needs to be cleaned up so I can get some fertilizer down. I bought of big bag last Fall and was supposed to put it down and let it sink in over the winter. Well, that never happened, of course and so now I am again playing ketchup. (I've never understood that phrase.)

I pulled out my power vac leaf sucker and went over the front lawn and the curb and removed all the debris that has collected over the Winter. I filled my garbage can and then my neighbors. (They're out of town and that's one the perks I get for looking after their cat.)

Afterwards, I celebrated with a beer and a cigar. The beer was fabulous. I regret the cigar. I always regret the cigar but I always smoke another one. I'm stupid that way.

I think I finally have the computer under control. I've been spending the last couple of nights loading programs and drivers and porn. It looks like it's all back to normal. I am very thankful that Susan bought me that external hard drive. I would have lost everything if I had not had that. That means 10 years worth of digital pictures, all our past invitations to parties, and lots of art projects I've done over the years. And then there's the porn. Don't even get me started on the porn.

I have to go now. You got me started!

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