Sunday, October 05, 2008

Angry Number Eight

If this were the World Wide Smellernet and you happened to be viewing this blog on an Olfactotron 8000 Smell-a-puter, you would no doubt be noticing the layered fragrances and delicate redolence of Angrous Skunkalicious, more commonly known as your standard Carriage House Skunk.

I got up at 6:30 this morning to check my traps. I knew when I opened the backdoor that I had something. (Refer back to layered fragrances) Sure enough I had a young skunker, perhaps slightly larger than the one I caught yesterday and he was agitated.

If you look closely, you can see the pugnacity of his countenance and general disdain for me in particular. As soon as I held up the tarp, he sprayed at me. This time, the spray was not a glob of skunk juice but more like several smaller globs. I'm sure it hit the tarp, if not with his initial release, then with one of the many that followed.

Our proximity to the spray was enough for it to glom on to my clothes.

I took a shower once we returned and my clothes are in the washer. Hopefully I was contaminated by a mild contact high and nothing more serious than that.

So, that's Number 8 out at the Skunk Dump, rejoined with his breathren. I hope it's the last.

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