Monday, October 27, 2008

Four Days to Halloween

Our Fourth Annual Pumpkin Carving Party was a success. We were worried about the turnout but it worked out great; just the right amount of peoples.

With the party behind us and ten new pumpkins to add to our collection, we should have a mellow week leading up to Friday Night. I'm really looking forward to it. We have several people coming to the house to help hand out candy and scare children. Susan is making a big pot o'Chili and there will be plenty of adult beverages available.

I haven't got the actual count yet but I think we have over 700 pieces of candy to dole out. The first three hundred candy bars are full size. I'm going to hold back one box (or maybe just half a box) for later in the night. And I'm going to attempt to enforce the No Costume/No Candy Law. One can get candy if one doesn't have a costume, but one had better have a good dance routine prepared for oneself or no candy for you. And what kind of a name is "One"?!

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