Monday, June 15, 2009

A Flurry of Activities

Much is getting accomplished. This always happens in the week running up to the Solstice Party. I probably accomplish more in this week than in the whole rest of the year.

Phil is back working on the front porch. We found a LOT of dry rot in the boards around the columns and piers so we thought we better get that nipped in the bud before painting continues.

Here's a problem with having an old house. You can't find replacement lumber. They don't make it any more. The sample of porch decking I took to Windsor Plywood was not available. They just don't make that size anymore. I could get a tongue and groove board that was a quarter inch thinner, for all the good that would do me.

Same story with the trim molding I took in. AND with the piece of siding I gave them. Nuthin!

Fortunately, one of the guys who works there said he could mill me what I needed of the moulding AND the decking. In fact, he has done it already. I have to go pick it up tonight.

I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do about the siding I need. Windsor directed me to Spokane Cedar Products. We'll see what happens.

I finished the Squirrel Hole. It looks fabulous if you don't care about workmanship or quality. I'm hoping painting will help hide the imperfections. I depend a LOT on paint.

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