Monday, June 01, 2009

Weekend Sicky

I started to develop a cold last Wednesday. I have not treated myself very well since then and the cold still persists. I am finally taking today (a Monday) to try and get well. So my workplace suffers whilst I recover. (Boy, I'm really thinking a LOT of myself to consider my company suffering because I am not there)

I tried to paint yesterday but didn't last long. We will have to finish up later this week. I don't think we'll suffer any major consequences.

On the bright side, looky what Phil accomplished! He got that whole project done in two days. That is a record for any project we have done on this house. Prior to this, anything we have done was mandated to last at least a week and usually into months.

Now we are ready to paint. However, we are considering having him do the same on the other column. It is not nearly as bad but there was a great deal of dry rotted wood that made up the frame of that pier. Who's to say that the other isn't far from the same condition.

I would also like to take the opportunity to show off the Hops again. This is the Hallertau vine and it has surpassed se7en feet. It grows a few inches every day. The Sterling is doing equally well although slightly shorter.

I have learned that hops likes acidic soil and coffee grounds are a good source to provide that acidity. I have been collecting grounds from both work places and home but it occurred to me yesterday to stop by my favorite coffee joint and collect them from there. The girl happily complied and with one dip, filled my little bucket with more coffee grounds than I could collect in a week from my other sources.

Go Hops, GO!

And now, time for a nap!

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