Friday, June 19, 2009

Solstice Preparations

With one day to go before the Summer Solstice Party, we are pretty much on schedule. Susan goes into Slave Driver mode prior to any event we host and it can be quite ugly for those who get in her way...or don't complete the list of things given to them.

However, everything seems to be going along smoothly except for the weather. It is rainy today but the forecast is suggesting we might have a chance to avoid rain tomorrow. It's going to be cooler but no rain would be the coolest of all.

I'm working at the bar tomorrow but only for a couple of hours. That will allow me to abscond with the ice I need and still make a little money to buy the booze I need.

I scored with Spokane Cedar Products. They had the cedar siding I needed to complete the work on the columns and piers on the front porch. Now I just need to get Phil back.

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